It's a dreich Sunday afternoon, so I've spent a couple of hours downloading photos and catching up whilst sat next to the stove......and this is August weather??? So at last, here are some photos of the progress of the build, it's coming on but the rain hasn't helped over the last week.
Everyone keeps asking me if we'll be finished before the babe arrives, do you think we'll be finished in 8 weeks..........?
This is our bath for the main bathroom, salvaged from our friends garden, they rescued it from a flat in Edinburgh, but had 3 to choose from so we got this one for a box of beer!!!! The feet have to come off and be cleaned up and I'm planning on painting the underneath a nice Cornflower/Forget - me - not blue, another job to add to the list!
The windows arrived on Friday afternoon, after a little bit of humming and hawing I decided I liked them........good job eh!
Enjoy the week ahead, fingers crossed the weather is a bit better!
L x