Thursday, May 01, 2008

Another step forward...

There are some parts of the business that I love, and there are some parts that I feel I'm constantly chasing my tail with, forever. Yep, you guessed it, the website. Whenever I talk to anyone in business about web sites I'm constantly met with the comment "they're great but they just constantly need updating!". It's true, no sooner have you uploaded your latest additions than you're thinking about how you're going to change it again!
So, at last we have made a huge change to ours, we've added a "click and buy" system, it's been long enough in the making, but I'm actually quite pleased with it. It's no great shake, loads of sites have it, we've just been extremely slow in getting round to doing it. The desire has always been there, but time is never on our side! Me being me, I was never going to be happy with using the standard Paypal buttons on offer, so I messed around for a while until I got something I was happy with, simple, but rather good looking, I think so anyway.
I say "we" as it's pretty much all of Gregg's hard work, I provide photos, text and design direction and he does the rest, without him, I wouldn't even have a website. For that I am extremely grateful. Aren't husbands wonderful things..... ;)
Have a look and let me know what you think, all feed back is greatly appreciated.
Happy Friday for tomorrow, I'm painting the studio door, making up a couple of orders for new shops that are opening and hopefully a little bit of gardening too. I might give you a sneeky peak of that door if you're lucky.
L x


Phillippa said...

I know what you mean about horrendous orange paypal buttons I made some simple grey ones loaded them all up (in fifty places...) only to find they were huge! so its back to the drawing board!

French Knots said...

The website is looking great, very fresh and appealing. Love the notebooks and aprons. I started working on a website about a year ago, it's been on the 'to do' list ever since! I think it was a bit over ambitious of me as I haven't even managed to put a banner on my blog after 18 months!
Wish I was nearer to you so I could come to your open weekend.

Just Original said...

The website looks great, the pink buy icon sits very well with your stock colours. I love the new books what a great idea!

My website could do with updating, but I am useless so I have to pay some one to do.

Have fun painting your office door.

Vanessa x

pinkgreen said...

Your website is lovely - I love the photos montage - great idea. I know what you mean about them taking up so much time. I spent 5 hours on mine yesterday in total, but it doesn't look like it!
Cathy X

Dusty Spider said...
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Dusty Spider said...

Loved visiting your place this morning with karen, sue, sue and lucy. So sorry I won't be around for your opening in May but, with Karen's help, hope to visit next time I'm up. All the very best of luck for your big weekend! Flick x

carolyn said...

Looks good, love those chicken notebooks.