Thursday, January 10, 2008

Getting back to normal.....

This week we've been trying to get back in to the swing of things, routine, boring, boring, I find it very difficult! It's hard enough to get into the swing of the holidays, not always having something to do, then, just as you begin to relax a bit the holidays are over........yep, you guessed it, the January blues......................

Anyhoo, today Katie and Lynne were round for coffee and scones while discussing lots of crafty things. It was fun. They also sorted out my prize draw for me that I did over the Christmas Fairs, a basket of goodies for one lucky winner..........June Heggarty from Dunblane, it'll be winging it's way to you some time next week!
So, seeing as it's Friday tomorrow, and there's lots of snow up in them big hills called Glen Shee, we've decided to have a cheeky wee Friday off and go snowboarding for the day. Now, the last time I did this I broke a bone in my hand..................... and I cried loads...................hmmm, off to find my impact shorts (they make you look like you've got a HUGE arse but save you having a very sore bottom from falling ALL the time!!) and wrist guards..................

See you soon, hopefully with lots of photos of the two of us flying down the slopes and no broken bones!!!! The photos above are of us snowboarding in Canada three years ago, THE BEST snow ever!

L xx


Nonnie said...

Ooh, sounds like fun! We've just got miserable rain down here. Would love some snow. Although only if I was snuggled up at home. Not so much fun if it snows while at work, the underground grinds to a halt and getting home is no fun at all! Hope you have a great day and the impact shorts do the trick!

Anonymous said...

Hi, would love some snow, instead of all this awful rain. Have a great time!
Margaret and Noreen at THY

Becca said...

Hope you have a wonderful time ... or had one, by today!It's not too often that you have snow in the mountains in Scotland, is it? Although we visited St. Andrew's last February and there was plenty of snow about and quite a bit in the mountains we passed.

dottycookie said...

Oh you lucky thing! I used to live in upstate NY and snowboard most weekends (OK, on ice a lot of the time, but still). Rollerblade wristguards are very good too ...

I see you've posted about the lovely day you had so I shall be off to read that now!