Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keeping out of trouble....

....yet I feel a little bit naughty, only 4 posts in January, that's a bit slack isn't it? Well, all I can say is that I've been a very busy girl, even though I have really struggled with the January blues.

Last week saw some new designs coming out of the workroom,
and a stack of lavender hearts and bundles, can you tell Valentines Day is just around the corner?! I also managed to buy some lovely new fabrics that I'm enjoying being creative with, so keep an eye out here for new things arriving soon.I also popped down to Glasgow on Sunday to the Scottish Trade Fair. I'd been a couple of years back, and to be honest it was pretty rubbish, so I was glad to see a huge improvement this year and felt it was well worth the visit I'd paid.

I've also been busy planning for this, which I'm getting really excited about. The roof is hopefully going on the studio this weekend so I'll post some photos next week.

Seeing as this is my 100th post ( I know, it's taken me ages to get here!!!) I thought I'd do a little giveaway, the lucky winner can choose one of the above cushions. So either leave a comment or drop me an e-mail (info@primrosehillinteriors.com) and your name will be added to the draw.

Good luck!

L xx


Janice said...

Congrats on your 100th post. The pillows are lovely. I would love to give any one of them a home lol!!!

Anonymous said...

dear lisa,


i've read all 100 of them. greetings from the netherlands.

French Knots said...

Lovely cushions, especially the teacup one.
Congratulations on 100 posts!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love the teacup cushion.

Cara said...

I'm so looking forward to see the finished shots of the studio. Well done on the 100 posts too.

kathyann said...

Hi Lisa,just seen your comment on the homely year and thought I'd drop by and say hello!Well done on your 100th post hope to see many more!Please could you add us to the draw for one of your beautiful cushions!love from Kathyann and the girls at meg's mum's muffins

Rach said...

Add me in too!!!! Loving that teacup.

I went to the Scottish trade fair last year. There was the odd interesting thing but it was mainly a load of old tat. Are you considering having a stand there at some point?

Samantha said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. The cushions are beautiful!

Raindrops said...

Nice to read a post from you. I am a bit slow myself on posting and I noticed I am coming up to my 50th and thinking I will do a giveaway since the 100th one will be a long way off. So congratulations on your 100th post. Love the cushions. Will pop to look at the hearts. Tricia

Ragged Roses said...

Hello and congrats on being 100! I love your new cushions, they're gorgeous. I'm going over to visit your website now to see what other goodies you've been making

Janette said...

congratulations on reaching your 100th post. the cushions look lovely as did your holiday in the snow. Your photos definitely do much to sell scotland as a great holiday destination.

weirdbunny said...

Oh can I be the winner please !!!
I love the love letter one best, But they are all lovely. Oh and as you know I love your blog too ~ love Julia x

Small Town Mamma said...

Please count me in! Beautiful work...

blueberry hill said...

Congratulations Lisa! You have been busy and the result is gorgeous!
Annie x

Just Original said...

Just popped over here via another blogger, cannot remeber who!

I bet the sking weather is going to be goodover the next few weeks, so hopefully you will be out on the slopes again!

Love the cushions!

Just Original said...

Forgot to mention the roof on my studio went on this week I'm getting ever so excited!

Tracy x said...

fab x
love them all
cannot wait until you visit - just hope we are not knee deep in snow!
speak soon
t x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post Lisa. I love your cushions, especially the heart one.

How I would love to come to your tea party ~ alas, I don't think that there will be any trips back to the U.K. for me in the near future. *sigh*

Marie x

Poppy Black said...

I adore the cushions! I'm sure one of them would love to come over here to New Zealand. Congratulations on 100 posts. Blogging is so wonderful. I just love popping in to be inspired by all of the lovely crafty people out there. XXX

Emma Herian said...

Glad to see you back! Still envious of your snow, we just don't get much down south!
I love your new cushions, the tea cup one is fantastic, looking forward to seeing the rest of your new work. Congrts on your 100th post!

Nonnie said...

Congratulations on reaching 100 posts! All the new cushions are lovely. Particularly like the one with the tea cup.

Primrose Hill said...

Thanks all for the lovely comments, glad you like the new work. I'll probably do the draw at the end of this week.

I find it very sad though that there is always someone in blog land waiting to have a pop at you whatever you do....

Oh to be so perfect, wouldn't it be great, ha!

L xx

Anonymous said...


Not popped into blog land for a while. Nice to see you blogging again.

The cushions look lovely, well done.

As far as people having a pop at you, there will always be someone who have something negative to say about you, I see this as jealously. Let it be water off a ducks back!! We have had to take this attitude with a member of our family who is generally a very unpleasant, self involved individual.

Life is too short to be nasty!!


Anonymous said...

Ive always tried to teach my children that (as my Granny used to say) if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all...Knickers to anyone who 'had a pop' !

I think all your work is lovely.

ginny said...

Hi Lisa,
How exciting that your studio is nearly finished and well done on your 100 posts....Love that tea cup cushion.

Primrose Hill said...

Hi Poppy,

Haven't heard from you for a while, been too busy over in BEBO land?

Funny you should mention nasty family members, we've got one of those too, she's poisonous, yet thinks she's an angel that does no wrong.....if only she knew how much upset she's caused.

Shall I put your name in the draw for a cushion?

Pretty Practicals said...

Hi Lisa, I have just found your blog and lovely website, the cushions are gorgeous & you have some really pretty things. I have just done my 100th blog and giveaway (running this week)too, exciting isn't it? I visit again soon.
Best wishes, Liz

claire Maraldo said...

The cushions are lovely -the tea cup is so cute.

i struggle with the January blues too -isn't it a pain in the butt!

Anonymous said...


Having the opportunity to receive one of your cushions would have been lovely. At the moment my husband, myself and another couple we are friendly with are travelling, so no where to call home just now. Once we are settling when we are home, I will be sure to look into buying one of your cushions for our new pad.

Who ever the lucky person is whom receive your lovely cushion, I'm sure they will be thrilled to bits.


Linda said...

Dear Lisa

Congratulations on your 100th post and good luck with the move to the garden!!! Love the Tea cup

Love Linda

tea and cake said...

Hi Lisa

Well, I'm out of the closet, then!

You have a lovely blog, congrats on the 100th posting!

The cusions are simply gorgeous .... and I think the next 'pops' will be those of the champagne corks, don't you?

love, Karen xx

Anonymous said...

i like murdering kittens

Anonymous said...

fucking hell! I like murdering kittens too! it's a small world. we should be friends.



Anonymous said...

Who received one of yours cushions? x

Mrs McAvoy's Buzz said...

Yes please!

Anonymous said...

the pillows really are lovely. just thinking about them is helping me to come to terms with the death of a close family member and also with some problems i have been having in general with mental health and also with my diet. i hope that you continue to provide this valuable lifeline to people like me - there are many of us and we all love cake and tea and other things that your perfect, beautiful items can make us think of.
with love,
mister ALAN (bratislava) xox