Friday, March 21, 2008

A wintry Easter weekend

It was to be expected I suppose, given that Easter is so early this year, that we would have snow in between fleeting visits of the sunshine. We've just had the most horrendous blast of wind, hail and snow all mixed together, and now the sun is out in it's full glory, Spring showers in their truest form I think.

The above cherry blossom tree hasn't quite come out yet this year, when it does it puts on a beautiful show of tiny delicate pink flowers. I've brought some branches in and hung the Easter decorations from them, the stove is lit so hopefully the warmth will bring the buds out fairly soon.

The dining room also looks a bit like a florists shop at the moment, jugs and jugs of daffodils and masses of branches of flowering currant. Gregg will come home and complain that it smells of cat pee, but I quite like the smell, I think it's almost earthy, a real spring smell. I've volunteered to do the flowers in Church tomorrow for Sundays service, so hopefully the daffodils will come out in the warmth of the stove too. One of the joys of living in the sticks is that there is still a lot of "by the gatepost" selling. The daffodils came from a local farm, they leave a couple of crates with bunches made up and an honesty box, 25p a bunch and locally grown, so a dozen bunches were bought for the church.
Our little enterprise of selling by the gate is also doing well, we now have 20 chickens and a bunch of regular customers that either collect their eggs or I deliver them on a Friday when I'm down in the village. It was Easter last year that we put the sign up, it still amazes me that we get so many people popping in, especially walkers with a little room in their rucksack to squeeze in a half dozen eggs!
Some of you might remember that we hatched our first lots of chicks last year, 9 in total, 3 hens and 6 cockerels. The three hens are doing great, one of them is a real little madam, she jumps up and pecks me on the leg every morning, although I am getting wise to her now! I'm obviously not quick enough in giving them their grain! Anyway, your probably thinking, what did we do with the six cockerels? Well, one of them went to a small holding up the road and as far as I'm aware he's still doing well. We ate the other 5. They were delicious. I'm now thinking we should hatch some free ranging table birds and then start to breed them for ourselves to eat all year round. We shall see, we need a bit more land and I'm still working on that one, hence the reason we have no pigs as yet :(
We also had to despatch our much loved cockerel William, he was very ill with an infection that hadn't cleared up, so he's now buried in the garden. I cried when we had to do that but it didn't bother me at all when we had to kill the others that we ate. I quite happily plucked them and got them ready to roast for Sunday night supper. So, we now have William II, he's another Welsummer cockerel and is enjoying strutting his stuff in front of the ladies and crows away quite the thing on top of the fence post.
I also mentioned the other day that I had to try and catch one of our drakes, we currently have 2 drakes and 3 ducks, all Indian Runners, as our little call ducks got eaten by something when they decided to sit on eggs and we couldn't find them to bring them in at night. Anyway, as you can imagine, with it being Spring and all, the drakes are rather randy at the moment and have decided that three ladies is just not enough for them, so our two chinese white geese, Florence and Felicity, have been getting chased to the point where they dissappear down the burn and don't know how to find their way back! One of the drakes has to go, we could eat him, but I'm going to give him back to Diana (pottery friend!) as she's just lost her drake to the fox. He has been given a reprieve at the moment as I've not had time to go up to the pottery, maybe this weekend, then hopefully peace will be regained in the hen house!
So, I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend, we'll be dodging the snow showers, hopefully getting some more studio building done and a bit of gardening. We might even go and roll some eggs!
L x


Samantha said...

You sound a real professional what with selling the eggs and eating the roosters!

Happy Easter to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, thanks for the kind comment on my blog and so nice to meet a fellow, local blogger! The house in my banner isn't mine but isn't a million miles away. It is wild out there today isn't it! I am writing this while looking at the almost horizontal blizzard of snow out the window. Brrr! Happy Easter, I love your blog and look forward to keeping in touch.
Carol x

Primrose Hill said...

Hi Samantha, selling the eggs is great fun, I've made some really special friends through it. Collecting the eggs at the end of the day is my favourite job! Amazinlgy, eating them wasn't too difficult either!

Hi Carol, isn't it wild tonight, I've just been out walking the dog in that weather, it's so windy and snowy! Lovely to hear from a local blogger, I had a quick look through your blog this afternoon, it's lovely. We should meet up for a coffee some time.

Off to cook the supper and sit at the fire, nice and cosy!

L x

Dorothy said...

Hi Lisa...I found your lovely blog a while back and now and then take a peek to see what is going on with the chickens...You are most amusing and I just love to read all that is happening..It is completely opposite of my life in the the tropics of Florida....Your writing is a treat...All good wishes for you and yours..hopefully a warmer Easter...Dee Dee

Ragged Roses said...

Have a very happy Easter weekend Lisa. Your home sounds lovely with all the flowers, animals and warm stoves. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
PS I'm glad I'm not the only one who lives with somebody who thinks daffs smell of cat's pee!

Anonymous said...

We even had a little flurry of snow down here but I doubt it will come to much it never does here. Have a lovely Easter.

Jill Smith said...

you made me feel it was spring when l read the post, what a beautiful life and l felt just there, l have just found you but have bookmarked it to come back often. I used to live not far away but now am in England,